Bonhams Skinner

It is no surprise that Don and John have a deep appreciation for vintage treasures so they were very happy to work with international auction house Bonhams Skinner on this unique collaborative project. The goal was to share Don and John's ideas and techniques for incorporating antique objects and furnishings into living spaces within their own home.
First the designers toured a vast warehouse filled with beautiful antiques destined for the upcoming fall auction season and made a selection of their favorite furniture pieces, textiles and decorative objects. A week later, those same antiques arrived at Don and John's house and the pair spent the day rearranging various rooms to accommodate all the beautiful pieces. Fortunately, there were skilled handlers on hand making sure nothing was damaged as well as a photography crew tasked with documenting the process. The resulting finished rooms were perfect examples of Don and John's singular decorative style highlighting their own art, PATCH NYC designs and a collection of unique antique objects courtesy of Bonhams Skinner.
This Timeless Living collaboration project was featured on the Bonhams Skinner website accompanied by a Q&A in which Don and John discuss their unique approach to collecting and living with vintage treasures.